Trauma to Transformation
Open Heart Surgery And Sternotomy
Recovery after open heart surgery or a sternotomy involves safe movement and precautions. Learn about the “move within the tube” approach.
How long is the heart transplant waiting list?
There is great mystery and contemplation about where you may sit on the waiting list for transplant in terms of your priority. The reality is your place on…
4 min read
Surgical Support, Waiting For A Heart Transplant
Surgical support may be suitable before a Heart Transplant using Mechanical Devices called a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) or a Total Artificial Heart (TAH).
4 min read
Consenting to a Heart / Lung Transplant
Part of the Transplant Work up is for you and your partner/family/carer, to discuss the sobering and humbling statistics of transpla
4 min read
When You Need To Decide To Have A Heart Transplant
An organ transplant is an opportunity to extend your life. There is potential for you to feel renewed wellness. However, your well being and lifestyle will not necessarily…
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Why Are Vaccinations Before Transplant Important?
Vaccinations and immunisations pre transplant protect you from a variety of infections.
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When You Are Not Suitable For A Transplant
The transplant team may determine that for a variety of reasons, transplant may not be the best option for you.
4 min read