This is Part 3 of a series on transplant medications. We look at all the Non Anti Rejection Medications after a heart / lung transplant. These medications are often prophylactic to prevent infections, and side effects from anti-rejection drugs post transplant.
Non Anti Rejection Medications After a Heart / Lung Transplant
Anti-rejection Medications After Heart Transplant
This is Part II of three posts which unpack Heart Transplant Medications. Together, let’s take a closer look at Anti Rejection Medications prescribed after a heart / lung transplant to prevent fatal organ rejection.
Practical Tips On Taking Medications After A Heart / Lung Transplant
This post explores general and practical information about preparing and taking medications after a heart / Lung transplant. It is extremely important that you never run out of medications after a heart/lung transplant.
Coping With Hospital Routines After A Heart Transplant
Hospital routines are 24 hours not 8 am to 6 pm. As a patient you will experience three replicated or repeated work shifts in one 24 hour day.
What You Need to Know About A Heart Transplant
This post unravels all the things you are not told before you have a heart transplant. It is lived experience written with honesty. Let’s unpack all the things you need to know about a heart transplant and what to expect in the days, weeks and months after transplant.